I realized that it's just a "font size problem" in fact i solved the main issue, the chat one, just increasing from the swatgui.ini the size of the chat entry box (in this way i can see what i type because the bigger fonts fit with the bigger box).Ībout the scaling option, i downloaded an "Ati Gpu scaling fix tool" which allows me to autoscaling resolutions which are smaller than 1600*900, i tried it and in fact when i set 1024*768 now it's fullscreen even if everything is very stretched and blurry, about instead the FOV i didn't find anything in the user.ini file but there are command lines in the SDK, which means editing the game source code and not being able to play online anymore. On the upside there's no PunkBuster anti-cheat watching such values anymore.

Or crash your game a lot.ĭisclaimer: I don't remember if you _can_ change the FOV in RvS and still play multiplayer. If you use Google you can probably find a way to set this from the console and experiment with it while playing until it works. You would probably want to enlarge the field of view but depending on how the game engine was coded, you may want to decrease it. It'll probably be in User.ini or RavenShield.ini (and note well that it would be the D3D(9) or Engine group if it's in the latter). The more complicated solution, go into your INI files and try to change the Field of View (FOV) setting. For a desktop you can usually find it in your monitors OSD on laptops IDK. I should use UXGA / 1600x1200px on my 1980x1080px monitor for this reason. you get a "Letterbox" effect rather than scaling it up to the whole screen size. Then set your display settings to display it correctly, i.e. The *simple* solution is to play the game in a 4:3 resolution, whatever your graphics card can do and your monitor can fit. So the grenade reticle and mini scope are a tad "Squished" into an oval or fish eye like look.

This picture will give you an idea.Įxample: I used to play RvS in XGA / 1024x768px which is 4:3. RvS and S4 were made on Unreal Engine 2, builds that were made with 4:3 in mind and no real support for 16:9 or 16:10 resolutions. Standard TV and non-wide screen (square) monitors are 4:3. Modern widescreen and HDTV = 16:9, older wide screen monitors are usually 16:10 or 16:9 I think. Monitors and TV's have an "Aspect ratio", it's the ratio of how wide to how tall stuff is.

SWAT 4 is new enough that it just maybe have a chance. SAS_Lodige is right, the game is to old, or more specifically the engine build is.