What do pandas do? Not much, besides eating bamboo. The most significant feature of the bamboo jungle, besides the bamboo, is the increased spawning rate of Minecraft's adorable pandas. Regular wildlife like ocelots and parrots can spawn here. It features far fewer jungle trees and overall foliage in comparison, but has a tremendous amount of bamboo covering the ground. This unique biome typically generates inside of larger jungle biomes. You can find cocoa pods, melons, vines, parrots, pandas, and jungle temples here, so jungles do partially make up for it with all you can find here - a biome for the more adventurous. Jungles are varied in terrain but are almost always annoying to come across. Jungles have jungle trees that grow much taller in comparison to basically any other tree in the game, and often completely cover the surface of the ground in thick foliage. However, they are some of the most challenging biomes in terms of size and how difficult they are to travel across.

This is a great seed for resources.Jungles are relatively uncommon in Minecraft. I killed enough cows within 150 blocks to fully shelf out an enchanting table. Also I built about halfway between spawn and the village and from that spot, my nether portal was in sight of a nether fortress. Use seed 73, you spawn at the edge of a roofed forest, about 75 to 100 blocks from a village, and only a few hundred blocks from desert, swamp and jungle. I really don't care too much what other biomes are nearby(though a Mesa would be nice), so long as I have my plains and roofed forest. I'm looking for a seed that will put me right on the edge of a plains and roofed forest (or within reasonable walking distance of this border, preferably without ravines, numerous craters, or villages. I've searched these forums a bit, and haven't found anything to my liking, so I figured I'd ask. Unfortunalty, I was stupid and didn't back up my world,nor did I think to write down the seed, so when I died to a skeleton, I lost everything. I was playing on my Hardcore world earlier today, which spawned me right on the border of a plains and roofed forest biome (Large Biomes enabled). I believe this is my first time posting over in this section of the forums, so hello!