Mephisto is popular, because he's easy to get to. In D2X, the Bosses drop nicely every time. After that, they drop poorly, even in high m-f gear. In D2C, the Act Bosses only have a single good drop - the first time you kill them. However, they made some changes in later patches that majorly alter your m-f strategy. The reason is you are significantly weaker and more fragile in magic-find. Most high-level characters have two sets of equipment: magic-find and normal.

Here's a good guide on the subject, admittedly slanted toward expansion play: On the right track, or is there a better way of doing this? Yes, I consider min/max'ing a game to death "fun". Not a real problem - not too hard to visit several shrines in a play session. Works, except that the shrine types (seem to) change upon reset. You can use 'em only once, but shrines reset when you start up a new game. The Horadric Cube allows three gems of one grade to become one of a higher grade, but to get the best gem (fifth grade) from the lowest (first grade), we're talking, what, 3^5 first grade gems? (Three sockets to Emeralds wouldn't be too bad, but I read that regaining mana is important for Amazons.) Skulls help regain mana, so one socket to skull. I just read that gems are cumulative, so a poison Emerald will have double the duration **and** double damage, effectively quadrupling the effect. So I finally got a longbow with three sockets. ** WARNING: BLATANT MUNCHKINISM AHEAD!!! ***